Bitcoin Blockchain Data Service
Bitcoin blockchain is the most well-known and commonly used blockchain. Hundreds of thousands of bitcoin transactions are confirmed everyday. The blockchain contains valuable data depicting financial activities.
There are online blockchain browsers that allow users to search and navigate Bitcoin blockchain. You can search for the detail information of a block, a transaction or an address. You can navigate to the transaction that spent certain output of a particular transaction. You can also navigate to the transaction that paid to or spent from a particular address. Online blockchain browsers provide comprehensive information about Bitcoin blockchain. However, these web services may not be suitable for intensive use because of access rate limit..
By the end of 2019, there are roughly 610 thousand blocks and 480 million of transactions in the active chain of Bitcon blockchain. Due to Bitcoin’s anonymity and limitation of online blockchain browsers, people find it hard to systematically classify and compare these transactions records..
Our Bitcoin data service provides processing of Bitcoin blockchain data, and focusing on the analysis of transaction activities..